Increase join timeout to 10 seconds to give players more time to join a networked match. Add a robots.txt file that prevents crawling irrelevant files. Add news and calendar dates to web page. Perform line length linting on the HTML. Add documentation screenshot, screen capture of VSW documentation, and photos from alt.ctrl.GDC to doc folder. Add low-res photos from TooManyGames, photos from DerpyCon, an installation photo from MAGFest 2024, a photo from Chinatown Fair, and a 2025 MAGFest header image to the web page resources. Start a Press Kit file with basic information chart filled out.
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129 lines
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# [SCRAPEBOARD] is an arcade game in development by [@diskmem] and [@snakesandrews]
# It requires custom hardware to play but can be tested in keyboard mode without the hardware.
# For more information on setting up and running the game, see the README, or for the game in
# general, visit
# This file contains configurable values that can adjust things like visual effects, performance,
# and audio. A lot of these values are closely tied to how the game is expected to run (for example,
# the screen resolution), so adjust at your own risk. There are also a lot of values currently
# hardcoded in that should be moved into here eventually.
license = Public Domain
title = Scrapeboard
url =
version = 0.2.3
init-script = OPEN-GAME
additional-packages = lib
data-exclude = local/, *.pyc, .git*, README, build/, dist/, *.egg-info, *.py, MANIFEST*, PKG-INFO, *.pyc, *.swp, *~, changelog, scrapeboard, OPEN-GAME, lib
caption = Scrapeboard
show-framerate = no
framerate-position = 600, 0
dimensions = 800, 450
fullscreen = no
attract-gif-alpha = 1.0
effects = True
alpha-effect-title = True
scores-font = BPmono.ttf
scores-alpha = 230
qr-static = False
# will force set display->effects to off
minimize-load-time = no
enable-level-select = yes
lives-boss-rush-mode = 3
lives-level-select-mode = 1
optimize-title-screen = no
max-seed = 2147483647
dnf-file = resource/dnf.txt
scores-file = resource/scores.txt
peers =
port = 8080
delimeter = |
join-time-limit = 10999
diagnostics = no
diagnostics-font = resource/BPmono.ttf
diagnostics-size = 15
size = 22
length = 3000
foreground = #ffffff
background = #000000
center = yes
damage-per-hit-level-1 = 6.0
damage-per-hit-level-2 = 2.5
damage-per-hit-level-3 = 1.75
cooldown-level-1 = 2500
cooldown-level-2 = 2100
cooldown-level-3 = 1300
first-combo-delay = 1300
visible = no
quit = K_q
up = K_u
sfx-volume = 0.8
panel-enabled = yes
volume = 1.0
buffer = 0
arduino-port = COM6
serial = yes
pi = no
confirm-quit = no
timer-max-time = 10000
timer-start-level-1 = 9000
timer-start-level-2 = 7000
timer-start-level-3 = 6000
timer-addition-level-1 = 1100
timer-addition-level-2 = 700
timer-addition-level-3 = 700
timer-warning-start = 0.4
sword-delay = 300
attract-gif-length = 10000
attract-board-length = 3600
attract-reset-countdown = 30000
level-select-reset-countdown = 30000
level-select-press-length = 1500
ending-timeout = 7500
lizard-hurt-length = 2000
title = bgm/title.ogg, 1.0
level_0 = bgm/level_0.ogg, .65
level_1 = bgm/level_1.ogg, .65
level_2 = bgm/level_2.ogg, .65
end = bgm/end.ogg, .65
nw_color = #FF88FF
ne_color = #E4B80C
se_color = #FF2222
sw_color = #2222FF
center_y = 376
nw_color = #FF88FF
ne_color = #2222FF
se_color = #FF2222
sw_color = #E4B80C
center_y = 376