Cocktail Frank
Update sb::Text blending so that no blending is used when the background is fully transparent, leaving the text surface intact. Fix a bug in Progress::stat_default so that it calculates a sum stat instead of just skipping it. Add overload to Color::percent for setting the color with a 3- or 4-dimensional vector. Add hinting and alignment parameters to Game::font. Add overload to Sprite::translate for setting translation with a 2D vector. Add range-based for loop to stats and achievements lists.
265 lines
8.0 KiB
265 lines
8.0 KiB
/* +-------------------------------------------------------+
____/ \____ /| Open source game framework licensed to freely use, |
\ / / | copy, and modify, created for |
+--\ ^__^ /--+ | |
| ~/ \~ | | Download at |
| ~~~~~~~~~~~~ | +-------------------------------------------------------+
| SPACE ~~~~~ | /
| ~~~~~~~ BOX |/
#include "Texture.hpp"
using namespace sb;
Texture::Texture() : GLObject(texture_deleter) {}
Texture::Texture(fs::path path) : Texture()
void Texture::associate(fs::path path)
this->path = path;
void Texture::filter(GLint value)
_filter = value;
void Texture::generate()
void Texture::generate(glm::vec2 size, GLenum format, std::optional<GLint> filter_value)
/* Only generate a new texture ID and reallocate memory if the current texture ID hasn't been registered by this object as having
* identically sized memory with the same format. */
if (!generated() || !_size.has_value() || !_format.has_value() || _size != size || _format != format)
/* Use nullptr because data will be loaded later with glTexSubImage2d */
glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, format, size.x, size.y, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, nullptr);
/* Set the resizing algorithm of this texture */
if (!filter_value.has_value())
filter_value = _filter;
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, filter_value.value());
glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, filter_value.value());
/* Set the texture wrap of this texture */
sb::Log::gl_errors("after generating texture");
/* Store a copy of size */
_size = size;
void Texture::load()
if (!path.empty())
#if !defined(__ANDROID__)
/* Can't check for file existence in an Android APK */
if (fs::exists(path))
#if !defined(__ANDROID__)
std::ostringstream message;
message << "Error loading texture path: " << path;
sb::Log::log(message, sb::Log::ERR);
std::ostringstream message;
message << "Cannot load, no path has been specified yet for texture ID " << id();
sb::Log::log(message, sb::Log::WARN);
void Texture::load(fs::path path)
std::ostringstream message;
sb::Log::Level message_level;
if (path.has_filename())
/* Load file path as a surface object to access pixel data and flip into OpenGL orientation. Attach a destructor so it will free
* itself when it goes out of scope at the end of this function. */
std::unique_ptr<SDL_Surface, decltype(&SDL_FreeSurface)> surface(IMG_Load(path.string().c_str()), SDL_FreeSurface);
if (surface.get() != nullptr)
std::unique_ptr<SDL_Surface, decltype(&SDL_FreeSurface)> flipped_surface(
rotozoomSurfaceXY(surface.get(), 0, 1, -1, 0), SDL_FreeSurface);
if (flipped_surface.get() != nullptr)
message << "Loading image at " << path;
message_level = sb::Log::INFO;
message << "Error flipping image surface at " << path;
throw std::runtime_error(sb::Log::sdl_error(message.str()).str());
message << "Error opening image " << path;
throw std::runtime_error(sb::Log::sdl_error(message.str()).str());
message << "Cannot load, " << path << " is not a vaild path to a file";
message_level = sb::Log::WARN;
sb::Log::log(message, message_level);
void Texture::load(SDL_RWops* rw)
/* Load RW object as path as a surface object to access pixel data and flip into OpenGL orientation. Attach a destructor so it will
* free itself when it goes out of scope at the end of this function. */
std::unique_ptr<SDL_Surface, decltype(&SDL_FreeSurface)> surface(IMG_Load_RW(rw, 0), SDL_FreeSurface);
std::unique_ptr<SDL_Surface, decltype(&SDL_FreeSurface)> flipped_surface(
rotozoomSurfaceXY(surface.get(), 0, 1, -1, 0), SDL_FreeSurface);
void Texture::load(SDL_Surface* surface)
std::ostringstream message;
if (surface->w > 0 && surface->h > 0)
message << "Loading image from SDL surface (" << surface->w << "×" << surface->h << ", " <<
SDL_GetPixelFormatName(surface->format->format) << ")";
sb::Log::log(message, sb::Log::VERBOSE);
#if defined(__APPLE__)
load(surface->pixels, {surface->w, surface->h}, GL_BGRA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
load(surface->pixels, {surface->w, surface->h}, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE);
message << "Cannot load into texture, invalid image data without dimensions found";
sb::Log::log(message, sb::Log::WARN);
void Texture::load(void* pixels, glm::vec2 size, GLenum format, GLenum type)
std::ostringstream message;
sb::Log::Level message_level;
if (size.x > 0 && size.y > 0)
if (!generated())
glTexSubImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 0, 0, size.x, size.y, format, type, pixels);
message << "Loaded " << size.x << "×" << size.y << " image into texture ID " << id();
message_level = sb::Log::VERBOSE;
message << "Cannot load pixels with zero or negative size in either dimension.";
message_level = sb::Log::WARN;
sb::Log::log(message, message_level);
sb::Log::gl_errors("after loading texture");
void Texture::bind() const
if (generated())
glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, this->id());
std::ostringstream message;
message << "Cannot bind texture that has not been generated yet at ID " << this->id() << ".";
if (!path.empty())
message << " Texture path is " << path << ".";
throw std::runtime_error(message.str());
void Texture::load(void* pixels, GLenum format, GLenum type)
if (generated())
load(pixels, size(), format, type);
std::ostringstream message;
message << "Texture";
if (!path.empty())
message << " with path " << path;
message << " has not been generated and has no size property, so a size must be provided to the load function.";
throw std::invalid_argument(message.str());
glm::vec2 Texture::size() const
if (_size.has_value())
return *_size;
std::ostringstream message;
message << "Texture";
if (!path.empty())
message << " with path " << path;
message << " has not been generated or loaded with a size given, so it currently has no size.";
throw std::runtime_error(message.str());
bool Texture::operator==(const Texture& texture) const
return id() ==;
/* This function gets passed to the abstract base class for deleting the texture data when the ID
* pointer goes out of scope (when all instances of this texture and its copies are out of scope) */
void sb::texture_deleter(GLuint* id)
/* not sure why SDL_Log works here at program end but SDL_LogDebug and SDL_LogInfo don't */
SDL_LogVerbose(sb::Log::DEFAULT_CATEGORY, "destroying texture ID %i", *id);
glDeleteTextures(1, id);
delete id;