
13 KiB

Installing Cakefoot as an Arcade Cabinet

Automatically load and run Cakefoot at startup in arcade-only mode by following the steps below!


These instructions will install Linux and Cakefoot onto a PC, so that the PC becomes a dedicated Cakefoot arcade machine. It should be possible to adapt the instructions to work for other games as well, as long as they have a Linux build. The specific PC used is a Beelink MINI S. In general, it's important to check whether a PC's hardware is compatible with Linux. The Beelink, for example, required the alpha version of Debian 13 because the PC's WiFi card only recently received support.

A working Linux build of Cakefoot is a prerequisite if following the steps below. It is possible to build the game directly on the PC, but that is not covered by the instructions. See the Build section for how to get started building Cakefoot.

Other operating systems, like Windows and macOS can also run Cakefoot in arcade-only mode with all features other than automatic updates, but the instructions do not cover those operating systems. See Andy Wallace's post for a Windows installation method that works with the Windows Cakefoot build.

Familiarity with the terminal is also a prerequisite. See The Linux command line for beginners to get started using the terminal.

Create a bootable SD card for installing Linux

Using another computer, create a bootable OS installer that will replace the Beelink MINI S PC's built-in Windows OS with Debian Linux 13. These instructions will use an SD card, but a USB stick can also be used. Make sure it is empty or unused because the contents will be erased.

  1. Download balenaEtcher for creating a bootable SD card. For example, this downloads version 1.19.25.

  2. Download the Debian testing netinst ISO. The following will download Debian 13 alpha.

  3. Launch Balena etcher. It may be necessary to run as root, see the alternative command below if there are errors.

     # alternately: sudo balenaEtcher-linux-x64/balena-etcher --no-sandbox
  4. Load the Debian ISO and connect and select the SD card. Then press the "Flash" button.

  5. Once the SD card is flashed, remove it and connect it to the Beelink MINI S PC.

Install Debian

Replace Windows with Debian Linux using the installer. For further details on any of these steps or if any issues arise, see the Debian installation guide.

  1. Turn on the Beelink MINI S PC and press F7 to bring up the boot menu. Choose the option showing the SD card. For example, it might be something like UEFI: Generic MassStorageClass1536.

  2. The installer should load. Choose Graphical install. Then choose the appropriate language and keyboard settings.

  3. The installer should detect both ethernet and WiFi interfaces. Choose ethernet if using a wired connection. Otherwise, choose WiFi and set up the network.

  4. Choose the system name. It can be any single word, like "cakefoot". Leave the domain name blank.

  5. In the next screen, skip setting up the root user and just choose Continue. That will disable the root account and enable the first user account to be the administrator.

  6. Skip the full name entry by choosing Continue since it won't be relevant on this system.

  7. Enter a username for the user account, like "cakefoot". It's OK if it's the same as the system name. Then choose a password.

  8. Choose the appropriate time zone for the system.

  9. In the disk partitioning step, the entire hard drive will be erased and reformatted. Windows will be erased, but if it was previously activated, it can later be restored if necessary using an ISO downloaded from Microsoft. Choose Guided - use entire disk. Make sure to choose the PC's hard drive and not the SD card. For example, the hard drive may be something like SCSI1 (0,0,0)(SDA) - 512.1 GB ATA FORESEE 512GB SS. Then, choose All files in one partition and Finish partitioning and write changes to disk.

  10. Continue to install the minimal system.

  11. At the software selection screen, uncheck Debian desktop environment and GNOME. Check off only standard system utilities and SSH server. A desktop environment is not necessary for running Cakefoot.

  12. Once the software is installed, the installation should complete. Remove the SD card and choose Continue to reboot.

Transfer the build

This transfer method requires the build to be on a USB stick or SD card. Other transfer options include downloading the build and compiling from source on the PC.

  1. When the PC reboots, let the menu choose Debian automatically, and the login prompt will appear. Enter the username and password configured during installation.

  2. Increase the font size on the console if necessary. Choose Terminus and 16x32 to make the font large.

    sudo dpkg-configure console-setup
  3. Plug in the USB drive with the build, and look at the output of fdisk -l to find the drive's device name. In this case, it's /dev/sdb because the USB drive capacity is 16GB.

    > sudo apt install unzip
    > fdisk -l
    Disk /dev/sdb: 14.46 GiB
  4. Make a directory where the USB drive will be mounted, and mount the drive with permissions for all users to access the files.

    sudo mkdir /media/usb_drive
    sudo mount -o "uid=1000,gid=1000" /dev/sdb /media/usb_drive/
  5. Make a directory for the game. Transfer the build into the new folder and unzip it if it's not unzipped already. Finish by un-mounting the USB drive, so it can be unplugged safely.

    mkdir ~/cakefoot/
    cp -r /media/usb_drive/Cakefoot/ ~/cakefoot/
    cd ~/cakefoot
    sudo umount /media/usb_drive

Configure the OS and the game and run a test

Before running the game, some dependencies need to be installed, and some audio and video settings need to be edited.

  1. Install Open GL and SDL for video, and ALSA utils for audio.

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install alsa-utils libsdl2-2.0-0 libsdl2-image-2.0-0 libsdl2-ttf-2.0-0 libsdl2-mixer-2.0-0 mesa-utils
  2. Remove SDL shared libraries from the build, so the libraries just installed are used instead. This seems to be necessary for using the KMS DRM video option with SDL, which is required when running the game without a windowing system.

    cd ~/cakefoot
    rm lib/libSDL2*
  3. Set the master volume and save the setting.

    amixer set Master 100%
    sudo alsactl store
  4. For the Beelink MINI S, AUX sound should now work. For other systems or for using HDMI instead of AUX, more configuration is required. Use the GUI alsamixer and the output of amixer to see which controls connect to HDMI. In this case, the controls for IEC958 are the HDMI settings. Make sure they are turned on.

    > amixer # or alsamixer
    ...Simple mixer control 'IEC958',0...
    ...Simple mixer control 'IEC958',1...
    ...Simple mixer control 'IEC958',2...
    ...Simple mixer control 'IEC958',3...
    > amixer set IEC958,0 on
    > amixer set IEC958,1 on
    > amixer set IEC958,2 on
    > amixer set IEC958,3 on
    > sudo alsactl store
  5. To set the sound to output to a specific device, for example HDMI, get the device number from aplay and create a configuration at ~/.asoundrc. This can be switched back later by replacing "device 3" with "device 0".

    > aplay -l
    card 0: PCH [HDA Intel PCH], device 3: HDMI 0 [PROJECTOR]
    > echo -e 'defaults.pcm.!card 0\ndefaults.ctl.!card 0\ndefault.pcm.!device 3\ndefaults.ctl.!device 3' > ~/.asoundrc
  6. Add the user to the input group, so the game can receive input, and apply the setting.

    sudo usermod -a -G input $USER
    exec sudo su -l $USER
  7. Cakefoot needs to be configured to run in arcade-only mode. In Cakefoot's git repository, there are configuration files at src_config_arcade.json and src/config_arcade_cabinet.json that can be placed in the config/ folder to configure arcade-only mode automatically. The second file configures the game to require a credit to be inserted, but that setting can be changed later, using an in-game menu. Some settings in these files can be modified if necessary. For example, to use a different screen resolution, the display > dimensions setting can be edited. If using the same USB drive method as above, transfer the configuration files onto the USB, and copy them into the config/ folder.

    cp /media/usb_drive/config_arcade.json /media/usb_drive/config_arcade_cabinet.json \
  8. Cakefoot should now run successfully with sound and input in arcade-only mode. Launch the game and use the keyboard keys to test the game.

    cd ~/cakefoot/Cakefoot-linux

Launch game on start up

The systemd tool can be used to configure the system to launch the game automatically at startup. The file src/cakefoot.service is used to create a systemd service to run Cakefoot. This file needs to be installed on the system.

  1. Use the USB drive to copy the file into the user's systemd configurations folder at ~/.config/systemd/user/, and run enable to add the service to the system.

    mkdir -p ~/.config/systemd/user
    cp /media/usb_drive/cakefoot.service ~/.config/systemd/user
    systemctl --user enable cakefoot
  2. To allow the service to run without the user logging in, the user must be added to linger.

    sudo loginctl enable-linger $USER
  3. The service should run successfully. Because this service re-launches the game automatically when it quits, the command CTRL+SHIFT+q must be used to stop the service and fully quit the game.

    systemctl --user start cakefoot
  4. Quit the game, reboot the system, and the game should load and run automatically.

    sudo reboot

Operator's menu

The configuration parameters in config/cakefoot_arcade_cabinet.json enable access to the arcade operator's menu which contains settings specific to the arcade cabinet version of Cakefoot, including the ability to require coins and the ability to connect to a WiFi network. There is a separate document for the Operator's menu.


Once Cakefoot is running in arcade mode, there are a couple of advanced features that can be set up.

Auto Power-on

To turn all the arcade hardware on simultaneously, for example, monitor and speakers, in addition to the PC, it can be useful to plug everything into a power strip which can power everything on or off at the same time. Then, the PC can be configured to run automatically when it receives power, so the whole system can be powered on with one switch.

Cakefoot and the operating system are still being tested in terms of how they deal with the power cutting out. If an operation is in progress when the power is turned off, data corruption is possible. Future updates should add a feature to the operator's menu allowing the PC to safely shutdown before the power is turned off.

  • Turn on the PC and press F7 to bring up the boot menu. Choose "Enter Setup" in the menu that appears to enter the BIOS menu.

  • Go to "Chipset" > "PCH-IO Configuration" > "State After G3" and choose "S0 State" (see screenshots of the process)

  • Press F4 to save and exit BIOS.

Automatic updates

Automatic updates require access to an online repository of Cakefoot builds. There is an official repository, but access is protected. It is possible to set up a similar repository on another server by reverse engineering the update script.

Future support may be added for using a USB drive as a repository, so that updates can be installed automatically from a USB drive.

  • Set the URL of the repository in system > update > location in config/cakefoot_arcade_cabinet.json.

  • If necessary, add authorization credentials to .netrc.

      echo "machine spicy.meatball login waluigi password 1tsw4lu1g1t1m3" >> ~/.netrc
  • Add a custom rule to Linux's polkit system that allows the user to modify network settings without being logged in.

      sudo cp /media/usb_drive/polkit_network_manager_rule.js /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/local-NetworkManager.rules